07th of February 2021
Distance: 72 km
Slanchevo, Pobitite Kamani Rock Formations (Stone Forest) -> Šumen, La Piazza Hotel (72 km)
Distance: 72 km
08th of February 2021
Distance: 16 km
Šumen, La Piazza Hotel -> Archaeological Museum Weliki Preslaw (16 km)
Distance: 16 km
09th of February 2021
Distance: 136 km
Archaeological Museum Weliki Preslaw -> Weliko Tarnowo, Monument to the Assen Dynasty (136 km)
Distance: 136 km
10th of February 2021
Distance: 100 km
Weliko Tarnowo, Monument to the Assen Dynasty -> Troyanski Manastir, Monastery Troyan (100 km)
Distance: 100 km
11th of February 2021
Distance: 180 km
Troyanski Manastir, Monastery Troyan -> Sofia, Vrana Camperstop (180 km)
Distance: 180 km
12th of February 2021
Distance: 28 km
Sofia, Vrana Camperstop -> Sofia, Aleksandrovska University Hospital (14 km) -> Sofia, Vrana Camperstop (14 km)
Distance: 28 km
13th of February 2021
Distance: 124 km
Sofia, Vrana Camperstop -> Sofia, Aleksandrovska University Hospital (14 km) -> Simitli, Alpiiska gradina Hotel (110 km)
Distance: 22 km
14th of February 2021
Distance: 106 km
Simitli, Alpiiska gradina Hotel -> Serres, Acropol Hotel (106 km)
Distance: 106 km